Philippines Dec 2024

Beyond YWAM Together.

Thank you for such a good time in the Philippines over September and October.

From YWAM Together in Manila at the beginning of September, we then traveled down to Cebu and Surigao and then back to Manila at the end of October.

We got to work with many of you to see what you are doing, but more importantly, to see why you do what you do, to hear your vision, and see where you think Jesus is taking you.

This even extended to the people we did not meet, whom we now know and are enjoying working with. This is one of the advantage I like with online learning and working.


“Simple, smart, and effective solutions to your child’s struggles.”—Harvey Karp, M.D.

In this pioneering, practical book, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight, and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children.

Join the Digital Library

Free to join.

Free to use.

See it here:

Join it here:

The call to Philippine Schools.

We are currently working on websites with many of you as you design and define your vision.
During our time at YWAM Together, Chris and I were moved by the call for YWAM Philippines to walk through the open door before us for the schools of the Philippines.
This has been a point of our prayer: What does it look like to expand what your bases are already doing to see Jesus presented to the Elementary Schools, High Schools, and Universities of your City?

More than a Brochure.

How can a continually developing website be a viable way for you to communicate with students?
How can you help them to avoid the traps of Social Media and Porn?
How can you help create healthy self-images based on what Jesus has said about us, not the latest photoshopped pictures on Instagram?
Add to this the rise of AI, and we need to get ahead of this wave that could crash down on top of us and throw us into the rocks.


As YWAMers, we have a vision for the things that need to be done: Discipleship, Evangelism, and Support. We also see the rise of technology, but are we also equipping ourselves with these new tools to face new opportunities?

It is easy to say AI or Social Media is bad. However, like so many things we have and use, the thing itself is not bad; we need to turn these things for Kingdom purposes.

We all use money, but money itself is not evil. Remember, the verse does not say, “Money is evil;” rather, it says, “The love of money is a root of all sorts of evil.”

So where to from here?

I want to help you develop your presence on the Internet.
I want to help you create content so that your friends, family, and people you minister to can be encouraged in Jesus.
This does include a website, either for you personally or for your Base.
You are getting this newsletter from me as part of our Webmasters group. (Previous Newsletters) What could you be writing? What could you be resharing?
How do we combat the flood of bad content ‘out there’? You could criticize the bad content directly, but a better approach is to shine your light on the good content, reposting, and then creating your own good content.

Let’s become content creators.

New Zealand

Let’s get going, we are in New Zealand for the next three months, I have time.
Grab some one-on-one time with me.
Let’s develop a game plan for your digital content.
Let’s work our way through the Seminars.
Let’s take you into your Vision and on to your Provision.

Have a look at this.
I have been working with Jahpet in Davao on their website.
We have just finished the first stage of their website.
The main things we have done are “Meet the Staff,” “The Schools & Applications,” and “About Us.”
Again, thank you to those we met and those who hosted us while in the Philippines with much love and kindness.


Tony & Christine.

Youth With a Mission, Davao.

One-on-One Online

We provide one on one training, best done if you have a website with us. Make sure you have Teamviewer Installed.

Choose a time that suits you.

These times represent from 2 PM till 5 PM Hawaii Time, and you can book up to an hour before.